Technology for Genealogy Special Interest Group
Welcome!Note: The Computers in Genealogy SIG is now the Technology for Genealogy SIG. The new name better reflects the broad range of topics covered in this group. The Technology for Genealogy SIG is a group where members can share their particular skills and knowledge of computer hardware and software related to their uses in genealogy. Family tree-building programs like RootsMagic, Legacy Family Tree, Family Tree Maker, Family Tree Builder, etc. are not the only programs useful in genealogy. DNA-related programs and websites; AI (Artificial Intelligence) apps and your experiences with any of them; spreadsheet programs; word processing and page layout programs; scanning and digitizing hardware and software; image editing and retouching software; folder and file naming and sorting/organizing software; maps and mapping software; metadata programs such as Adobe Bridge; text transcription and dictation software; and more are all open for discussion at upcoming meetings. |
Questions? Ask Art (computers-sig@edmontongenealogy.ca) or Kelcey (computers-sig2@edmontongenealogy.ca) |
Introducing the Technology for Genealogy SIG Leaders, Art and Kelcey!Welcome to the Technology for Genealogy SIG. As the new leaders, we have some topic ideas in mind for future meetings, but your input is requested. Please let us know if you have a related topic you’d like to share with the group or if there’s something you’d like to know more about. We aim to encourage active participation by SIG members so you can learn at least one new item at each meeting. |
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